Sunday, June 11, 2023

Where did these come from?

 As mentioned in the last post, the painting table clean up project is mostly completed.  Below are the last two blister packs I uncovered on the table.  

At first I couldn't recall ever buying any French Guard Artillery, but then the cobwebs cleared and I remembered that I bought these at Cold Wars 2020 (my last convention).  At the time I seemed to think it was a great deal, I think I paid around $10 for each of them.  At least now I can finally say that I have some French Old Guard troops.

Just about all, if not all, additions to the Napoleonic forces for the last 2 or 3 years have been French.  My Russian troops have informed me that unless the Russian Rosters are increased soon, there may be a Palace Uprising - something that all Czar's live in fear of.  And heaven knows I have plenty of Russian lead laying around.  

Figures are from Warlord Games.  

For my Napoleonic figures I normally use joint compound/drywall spackle to coat the bases for texture.  This was a new container of 'lightweight' spackling and it didn't give the same results as the old variety. But I guess it will do.

slightly different view

That's all for now.  Stay safe and enjoy the summer.  

So much lead, so little time


  1. Nice job on the "beautiful Daughters", Barry. Even if they are French, they are Artillery, and any good Russian loves Artillery, right?!

  2. Great work on the battery. You now have the only French Guard unit that is on my someday list. You simply now need a lot of greens in your painting schedule.

    1. Joe, thank you. I'm working on the greens, just primed up another Regiment of soon to be green coated warriors of the Czar. But I still have all that pesky 6mm infantry that's on the painting table to get too.

  3. Peter, thank you. Yes you can never have enough artillery. Who knows, maybe this will nudge me into painting the Old, Middle and Young Guard... or not.

  4. They look excellent Barry and well-ready to contribute to your pile of Russian dead.
    Oh, did you say lead?
    Regards, James

  5. LOL. Thank you James.
    This may just be the nudge I need to revisit the status of my Napoleonic armies.

  6. Napoleonic status? Never enough!
