Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Blood Red Skies - RAF

Wow, it has been a while.  But just because I've been silent doesn't mean I haven't been busy - or at least had some accomplishments.  After all it is finally summer up here in Vacation Land, so not a lot time of hobby activities, that's what the 8 months of winter are for - LOL.

The first set of the terrain boards for the Faux Fulda Project (debacle? train wreck?) are done.  More that in a later post, there were some positives, some disappointments but it was probably a little overly ambitious for the first attempt a terrain boards.  The painting of vehicles and troops is coming along nicely, but I really hate painting micro armor  infantry.  

On to something more upbeat.  

In the last post all of those months ago I mentioned Blood Red Skies.  The Wing Commander book includes Solo play guidelines as well as a nice Battle of Britain campaign (a little heavy on record keeping but that may get tweaked a bit).  So, with an eye towards a winter solo campaign, figures were ordered and received and pigment applied.  

First up, the RAF forces.  I still need to order more propellers from Litko one of these days.

A squadron of Hawker Hurricane's

The first squadron of Spitfires

Second squadron of Spitfires

A squadron of Lend-Lease P-40's

A squadron of Mosquito's.  While technically they entered service too late for the Battle Britain, I'm showing them here since they're painted.

And finally, all of the RAF forces that will be available for this winters Battle of Britain campaign.

That's it for now.  Enjoy what's left of the summer, snow starts to fall in about a 2 months.

So much lead (and apparently plastic too) and so little time.


  1. Looks good to see the RAF in force. Just putting paint to some Cactus Air Force and Russian units.

  2. Thanks Joe. I'm looking forward to your Easter front action.

  3. Like the Mosquito squadron. Can always get to the fjords!
