Friday, August 25, 2023

Where did August Go?

 It's hard to believe that August is almost is gone.  So, I figured I better get at least one quick post in.  Activity on the Hobby front has been slow, many distractions when you live in 'Vacation Wonderland', at least according to the State commercials that's what we are.  

Below is the second item I ordered from the 3Degos folks (the first being the pig stye shown several post ago).

This is another figure I'll probably never use on the table, but I still like the look of it.  It's a 3D print, the oxen came in 2 parts, which didn't match up very well and required a lot more filing and sanding then I had the patience for.  Still, for the price I think it was a great deal and I shouldn't really complain.

On the painting table I just primed up a Regiment of Russian Grenadiers.  If next week is as rainy and dreary as the forecast says it will be, they may show up soon.

Take care and remember to find time to play with your toys.

So much lead, so little time.


  1. Nice plow and plowman, important for the production of cereals and vegetables. Certainly the weather is good for a change. Hope to have a battle played out soon , probably Dahara vs your Eastern wing.

  2. Thank you Joe. I look forward to the battle report.
