Saturday, June 10, 2023


 It's been gloomy and damp with precipitation of some sort every day this week.  So, not much getting done in the yard which has allowed the 'clean the painting table' project to move forward.  The good news is that we seem to be far enough North that the winds aren't bringing us any of the Canadian smoke.

About 50% of the painting table top is now visible, and most of what is left is either space fighters/bombers or 6mm Infantry.  (I hate painting 6mm infantry)

These were the last of the loose figures.  It took a while to locate the treasure chest amongst the clutter, but I finally found it.

Figures are from Eureka, I think.  These were part of a vignette as I recall. I think it was called 'Cossacks Looting' or something like that.  A couple of the figures really have a lot of detail that the camera doesn't do justice too, especially as dark as the gloomy weather is making my gaming room.

And for the folks that are part of our Napoleonic ImagiNation game, the final photo sums up some of the action from last week.

just a little something to brighten the Yurt

Dancing a little jig

Fine wine and full saddle of loot.. I mean purchases.  What more could you ask for.

The photo and brushwork don't do this one justice.  The poor horse is so loaded down our spry young cossack lad has to walk.  But at least he has a duck to keep him company.  Looks like momma's getting a new mirror.

There really is a lot of detail in this sculpt.

Nice to see they're doing a 2-man lift on any treasure over 50 pounds.  We don't want any back injuries.

View from the other side

Fuddland Cossacks return home following a successful trading mission to S'Gottland.  Not shown was a half a flock of sheep, the other half having been traded for the services of a popular minstrel group to perform for Czar Elmer.

Guard Cossacks watch over the Cossack 'merchant' caravan as it travels home.

One more post and the painting table clean up project is pretty much done.  Now, on to the more challenging lead pile clean up - or at least clean up enough that I'm not literally tripping over figures that have fallen from the pile onto the floor of the gaming room.

So much lead, so little time.


  1. YES! Always wanted to see this Eureka pack painted. Czar Elmer, look at your proud children!

  2. Shouldn't you make sure a certain past player sees the collection?

  3. Thanks Joe. They did paint up well. I should have painted them years ago when I bought them.
    If we're thinking of the same past campaign player, I believe he is still having nightmare's about Cossacks running wild across his country.

  4. Cossacks and Looting go together like vodka and vodka!
