Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Meanwhile back at the Castle

 Hello again.  My parallel world saga continues (I really need to come up with a better name).  The last of the figures are painted and the battle is now complete.  

When last we left our “heroes?”, Count William had just informed Mayor der Kase that he is annexing Bridgeton.  Shortly there after he was meeting with his lackey… err, trusted aide, Kurt.  “Kurt, do you grasp the opportunity here?  Not only do we have this tasty cheese, we have a steady source of income for the Fiefdom, and more importantly, we now control the bridge and can finally launch the assault to take over all of the Earl’s domain! After 30 years, his lands will all be mine, all MINE – Bwaaaa-Haaaa-Haaaa!”, exclaimed the Count.


Meanwhile, back at the Castle of Earl D’Greer a terrified Page Boy was attempting to rouse the passed out Earl.  “Your Lordship, you must awake, the Captain of the Cavalry you sent to Bridgeton has arrived with important news.  Sire, Sire.  Please Sire, wake up.”  The Earl stirred and the terrified Page recoiled out of habit as he responded “Mmmph,  grpppp, arrrgh – my head”.

Several hours later a very hung over Earl was meeting with the Captain of the Cavalry he had sent to help defend Bridgeton.

“What do you mean the Counts forces have captured Bridgeton!!!  You fool, don’t you realize how much taxes I make off that factory!, roared the Earl as he pulled off his Morion helmet and threw it at the trembling officer, then pulled his Dirk and charged at the terrified underling.  Fortunately, the Earl’s aides restrained him before he could do any further harm.  The red faced Earl turned to his trembling Page Boy and bellowed “Bring me my armor… wait.  First, summon the blacksmith I think it may need some adjusting first.”


Just a little refresher of where we left off way back in June.  The battle write up for the second battle of Bridgton should be ready sometime this week, although no guarantees, I just realized I have 7 pages of notes from the battle.  


So much lead, so little time



  1. The battle report should be a humdinger..soon, I hope to see it.
    For your alt world, how 'bout 'Outlandishian Chronicles'?

  2. Thanks Joe. This is probably a case of more hype than substance.
    I love the name. I just may end up stealing that if you don’t mind.

  3. Not exactly a people person, the Earl isn't!

  4. He does have issues interacting with the non-nobility class.
