Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Oh Sandy!

Sandy has gone, (if she would have looked like this I’d be a lot more upset about the brief time we had together) the power is on, and the Internet connection is working!  Damage is limited to trees that were snapped off, a shingle here or there, and some flashing around one chimney. 

My office is closed, I’m not sure if it has water in it or not – the only thing between our building and the East River is the FDR and a helipad.  And since there is no mass transit running between CT and Manhattan I have some time on my hands.

I was actually feeling motivated to paint some Russian’s again and had planned on finishing up my Russian Guard Jagers, when disaster struck!  In my earlier rush to paint these I forgot that the Russian Guard Jagers had Orange facings, not Red like the ‘normal’ Jagers.  O.K., no problem, I can paint over the red… except I can’t find my orange paint.  Given the number of trees that are still down and stores that are closed I really don’t feel like making a run to the hobby store.

Maybe next weekend I’ll some photos of completed figures to post.

So much lead, so little time.


  1. I have plenty of orange paint, in ta least three shades! :-)

    Let me know if you need a delivery!

    1. Thanks for the offer, but I'm starting to get cabin fever so I'll run out today and get it.

  2. Pleased to hear that you got through it okay. All the best to you and the millions of others in the long clean-up ahead.

    1. Thanks James. I really can’t complain, I just checked the electric company outage page in my bucolic town of 959 electric utility customers, 942 are reporting electric outages.

      I hope my employees in NY and NJ that I haven’t been able to reach are all doing as well.

  3. There is this stuff called yellow, and when you add it to red you get, unbelievably, orange.

    I know. It seems crazy. But it works. Some sort of nanotechnology or something.

    1. That sounds like work, or even worse Science! Alas, my yellow paint is also AWOL. Fortunately (?) I’ve had the entire week off work (well somewhat off I’ve been working remotely from home) due to that B*$#% Sandy, which allowed me to pick up some orange paint. The facings are done, now just the Shako cords and touchups are left.
