I mentioned a couple of post ago that I’m currently in the process of reorganizing both the painting area and the troop storage area(s). Right now I have stuff boxed up and scattered all over to the point I don’t know where anything is.
The other day I was digging through boxes looking for my stash of old 15mm Napoleonic’s on a quest for a couple of gun carriage wheels, and I stumbled upon a box from our move to CT (18 years ago) that apparently had never been opened. This was like Christmas in May! It said game room on it…. Hmmmm. So, time to rip it open and see what we have.
Sadly, mostly junk that went straight into the trashcan, but…. But…. I found these two treasures. Purchased sometime in the 1970’s I think.
The first one I had completely forgotten about.
The second one I remember playing this when I was in high school.
Again the box and contents are all in excellent shape
I can’t wait until I have a free weekend and can get at least one of these on the table for a quick solo game. I’ve come a long way from board games with paper unit counters; I hope I still enjoy it as much now as I did back in the dark ages.
So much lead, so little time.