Thursday, March 14, 2019

I’m not dead… yet

Wow, it’s been a loooong time since the last post. 

Despite the absence of activity on the blog I actually played in a quit a few games in 2018, for the most part reported by Peter on his Blunders on the Danube blog. Painting on the other hand, has been pretty much non-existent.  I just haven’t felt the motivation, and things have been  rather hectic since November (I’ve been  out of state more than I have been in state).  But enough whining, as I learned as a young 2LT, ‘the effective range of an excuse is 0 meters’.  

I expect to have more motivation in 2019.  I’ve really had the Imagi-Nation itch lately – I know and how is that different from last year, and the year before that and on, and on.  But this time I mean it!  I’m not really into the 7 years war which seems to be what most ImagiNations are set in, but I think if you set it in the early middle ages/renaissance time period with some barbarians and Romans thrown in it might work.  Or in other words, if you take the approach Tony Bath took with his Hyboria campaign, I think the extra diversity would keep the motivation going.  I actually started working on a map in early 2018, I wonder if I can find it?  Rules would be Hostile Realms, which does an excellent job of covering the proposed diverse time period – all you have to do is remove the magic and fantasy elements.  Or To The Strongest would probably work as well.  (I really think that To the Strongest is a fantastic rule set for a light, fairly fast game with a fair amount of tension and fog of war based on the card system).

And speaking of scratching the ImagiNation itch, Joe has graciously volunteered to run another Napoleonic era one.  More details can be found at his Fish Tales blog

Of course I’ll continue to plod along on painting up more Russian Napoleonics  with the goal still being of  to build  the 2ndArmy of the West from the 1812 campaign.  Hmmm, probably time I sat down and did an inventory of where I’m at on that.    And I still need to build out the French forces, I have the lead; just need more of that motivation thingy to do something with them.

But enough with this word stuff.  Blogs are for photos, so here’s some of what I did manage to paint up in 2018.

Figures are Perry.   It's been so long I don't recall where the flag was from.  

The magic wash came out a little blotchy on the pants , but from a distance it looks ok.  Although I'm not sure what's going on with the drummers face - warpaint maybe?

So much lead, so little time