Sunday, August 24, 2014


On August 24th, 410 A.D. Rome was overrun by the Visigoths, resulting in the fall of the Western Roman Empire.  Just how much did the  political corruption and the apathy of her citizens really lead to the Rome's fall?

But… on a much lighter note - I painted something!

Not my best work, (either painting or photo) but at least it had me picking up a brush again.  First up, the latest addition to the French Cavalry.

The 7th Regiment, Chasseurs a cheval

Looks Like I need to replace my photo backstop

With the completion of this unit it brings my French Cavalry to one Dragoon Regiment and three Chasseur a Cheval Regiments.  The 2 Chasseur a Cheval Regiments were part of my original goal for this year.  I still need to complete one more Duchy of Warsaw Uhlan Regiment, but… I seem to have gotten distracted and started another Russian Dragoon Regiment.  We'll see what happens by the end of  the year.

And the last bit of painting.

Looks like I need to touch up a little where the epoxy is showing by the wheels.

I picked this up at Cold Wars 2012, and finally found the motivation to paint it.  This angle seems to make the horse look undersized compared to the wagon, but it doesn't look that bad in the lead/resin.

Hopefully the next post won't be as long a wait as this one was.

So much lead, so little time.