Thursday, June 30, 2011


Old Guard, Young Guard, Russian Guard, Austrian Grenadiers, Russian Grenadiers, Cossacks… and Opolocheni!

Friday night at Historicon Peter and I will be running the fictional Neverenufski scenario. The scenario pits a force of French and French Allied troops against an Austro-Russian force. The idea for the scenario started out as an opportunity to try out the standardized troop ratings we plan on using for Borodino next year. From there the megalomania took over, fortunately Peter was able to talk me back into reality.

For our 1809/2009 project Peter considerably increased his French Guard, which I think only saw actual action in one of the 6 games we ran that year for Historicon. Similarly, the Austrian Grenadiers were on the table for several battles, but I don't think they ever saw action. As we have been busy painting up the troops for Borodino in 2012, there have been significant numbers of Guard (both French and Russian) as well as Russian Grenadiers painted up. And since we’ve gone to all that time and effort to paint them it’s time to use them, as well some French allied units that don’t get a lot table time.

Typically, deploying these units carries some victory condition penalty, which is appropriate since historically the commanders were cautious about deploying their finest troops (a classic example was Napoleon at Borodino refusing the risk the Guard deep in enemy territory). But the down side is it means you seldom get to ‘play’ with them. Neverenfuski attempts to rectify that.

While the main forces are staring down each other across river a days march to the south of the battle, Napoleon has taken a force North to cross the river near the town of Vienna Sausage and attack the Austrian-Russian Flank. The Czar, having an uncharacteristically lucid moment, has taken a detachment of Russians and Austrians to cross the river and secure the cross roads at Mouldy Quiche to cut the French lines of communication. On the morning of our battle the two forces discover each other.

So if you’re interested in a game that won’t take itself too seriously, and is bound to be rife with bad puns, as well as chickens, pigs, and sheep, stop by.

Now, on to the photos of some of what I’ve managed to complete in 2011.  Not shown are the 4 Grenadier Battalions I just completed and still need to have their bases textured.  All of the below figures are Front Rank with the exception of the Old Glory Combined Grenadiers.

Click on the photos for larger views

 Narva 1st and 3rd Battalion

 Another view of the Narva Regiment (Flags by GMB)

 Smolensk 1st and 3rd Battalion (Flags by GMB)

Another view of the Smolensk Regiment 

One of the Combined Grenadier Battalions  

For the Combined Grenadier units I'm using the 1809 uniform (Old Glory figures) so the bigger plumes can readily identify them as something different than the Guard or 'real' Grenadier units.  

Another Combined Grenaider Battalion

Monday, June 6, 2011

In Memory

"Soldiers, sailors and airmen of the allied expeditionary force: You are about to embark upon the great crusade, toward which we have striven these many months. The eyes of the world are upon you. The hope and prayers of liberty-loving people everywhere are with you …" General Dwight D. Eisenhower (D-Day, 6 June 1944)

(Picture courtesy of the Library of Congress)

Sixty-seven years ago one of the most ambitious military operations ever began. The operation would ultimately lead to the end of the War in Europe.

I had three relatives that participated in D-Day, and all survived to the end of the war. One went ashore on the beaches, one piloted a glider into Normandy, and one parachuted in, and later was wounded at Bastogne. They are all gone now, with the last one just passing last month. They truly were ‘the greatest generation’.